To utilize deep listening, ritual, and presence to facilitate individuals’ connection to themselves, others, and the Divine.
In this frenetic, social media-obsessed culture we live in, we are starved for connection. In essence, we are sleepwalking through our lives, going through the motions every day without really experiencing it. We are disconnected from ourselves, presenting a false self we think is us but failing to understand our true emotions or motives. We are disconnected from others, chatting about superficial topics but unable or afraid to share our true selves and to give and receive love. We are disconnected from the Divine, either attending religious worship without feeling anything, having beliefs we don’t translate into practice, or perhaps being uncertain of what we believe.
Authentic Connection is designed to provide opportunities for us to find those connections and to create meaning in our lives. I offer a safe and inclusive space for all ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, and religious beliefs.

Deb Peters offers a selection of guided healing and ceremonies tailored to your specific needs and vision.





I am a lifelong seeker, a contemplative mystic, a natural pollinator, an intuitive healer, and conduit of loving energy. Originally a Licensed Psychologist and owner of a group psychotherapy practice, Wisdom Path, PLLC (www.wisdompathnc.com), I have felt a pull to offer a different type of service through Authentic Connection. I bring my wealth of knowledge and experience to this new arena in order to assist individuals and groups in growing, healing, and living life more fully.