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My Story

Deb Peters, Ph.D. 

I am a Life Cycle Celebrant, Spiritual Director, Reiki Master, and retreat facilitator who is passionate about rituals and ceremony in healing and celebration.  I have transitioned from a successful lifetime practice as a psychologist into creating Authentic Connection.   


​I believe in the importance of connections:  Connecting to oneself through activities of healing and personal growth, connecting to others through ritual and community, and connecting to the Divine though spiritual seeking in nature, dreams, and spiritual practices.


I am not affiliated with any specific religion, but I am trained in an interfaith perspective which is respectful and honoring of all belief systems.


I enjoy poetry, nature, deep conversations, and learning new things.  When I'm not working, you might find me reading, writing, doing my own spiritual practices including dream work and creative expression, spending time in nature, rearranging my altar, growing vegetables, cooking, traveling, supporting LGBTQA+ communities, and deepening my own connections with my life partner and community.  




  • Certified Life Cycle Celebrant, trained at the Celebrant Foundation and Institute with a specialty in Healing and Transitions

  • Spiritual Director, trained at the Haden Institute

  • Reiki Master, trained in the Usui/Tibetan Reiki Ryoho tradition under Heather Edwards of WaterSpirit Healing.

  • Veriditas-trained Labyrinth facilitator

  • Ordained Minister though the Universal Life Church, a nondenominational organization that embraces individuals across all spiritual faiths and practices



Authentic Connection does not provide psychotherapy

or treat mental health issues. 


Individual choice, respect for nature and all creatures, self-compassion, seeking the Divine in everyday life, and all forms of connection.

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