What is Spiritual Direction?
So many of us struggle to find meaning in our lives. Some of us have a spiritual tradition or religion which resonates with us but seek to deepen our experience of the Divine. Others have felt disconnected from mainstream religions and struggle to find a meaningful way to explore and embrace our own spirituality.
As a Certified Spiritual Director, I meet you where you are in your experience with what you feel is Holy in your life. Through deep listening, I guide you in exploring your own internal barriers to spiritual connection which may get in the way, and to introduce (or re-aquaint) you with practices which help you develop, access, or reassess your deepest beliefs in order to form a deeper, more satisfying sense of how the Divine is present in your life.
How much does Spiritual Direction cost? Sessions are $100 for 60 minutes, $150 for 90 minutes.
How long does Spiritual Direction last? The recommendation is to meet for 60 – 90 minutes no less than monthly, although every two weeks is often helpful at the beginning. Some people only want a few sessions, but many people find that a year or more is needed to make needed shifts in their spiritual journey.
Where does Spiritual Direction take place? After the initial consultation, I can meet with you in my home office or on Zoom.

Unlike psychotherapy, Spiritual Direction is not treatment. It involves deep, holy listening and witnessing with some guidance to find your own spiritual path. It is not focused on a particular problem, but rather about one’s personal understanding and relationship with the Divine. Spiritual Direction is a bit of a misnomer in that is less about direction and more about being a wise companion who witnesses and listens deeply, proving suggestions for further spiritual growth.
The purpose is to deepen your relationship with whoever or whatever your higher power is. My interfaith training respects all beliefs and paths as equally valuable and meaningful. I will meet you where you are and walk with you on your path. I do not claim to have answers, but I trust that you have them deep within you. With a non-judgmental attitude, I encourage you to seek them, to be open to notice the presence of the Divine in your own life, to find meaning in difficult experiences, and to access joy and awe.
I may guide you in your self-exploration through meditation, labyrinth walking, forest bathing, Enneagram work, dream work, and embodiment through movement, creative expression, and ritual. Special interests include women’s issues, second half of life issues, questioning organized religion, and religious trauma.